
It seems it doesn’t take long for the heat to take its toll.  Once the thermometer tops 100 most of us experience a few changes in our general attitude, including heightened agitation.  The inconvenience of the dog days of summer are setting in and you begin to hear people complain about it, if you aren’t already yourself.  However, regardless of your age and overall health, extreme heat is something everyone should heed with caution.

When the Thermometer Reaches 100, Everyone is in Danger

Prior to this week, we have gone nine months without a 100 degree day.  That means our... Read More »

Women's diets often fall short in vital minerals and vitamins for a variety of reasons.

Here are six nutrients that women are often deficient in, either because they lose too much of a nutrient, don't get enough of a nutrient, or both.


Why you need it: Calcium builds teeth and bones, curbs premenstrual syndrome, helps maintain normal blood pressure, and may protect against colon cancer. It is also needed for muscle contraction, hormones and enzymes, and nervous system function, according to the American Dietetic Association. Nearly all of the body's calcium is stored... Read More »

We believe our employees are the heart of Hillcrest.  The high quality healthcare we provide our patients every day is in the hands of our great employees.  If you have been interested in finding the right job in the right place, this could be the perfect time for you!

Hillcrest Hospital Cushing just launched our new jobs website.  It is easy to use, easy to find current job listings, and easy to apply online, even through your LinkedIn account.  You will discover Hillcrest and what it is like to work here. 


You will see how you... Read More »

It is that time of year.  Flip-flops, sunny days, and the sound of kids jumping off the diving board are just a few indications that summer is here.  With summer comes fun with responsibility to ensure a safe time is had by all.  Here are some important tips and information to make sure your family has a safe and memorable summer this year, whether you are heading to the pool, beach, or lake.

 The phrase “respect the water” may seem trivial to some, but according to a recent Center for Disease Control report on children and teen accidents, nearly 1,000 deaths occurred in 2009 as a... Read More »

This Memorial Day Weekend we will honor those who have fought and sacrificed for our country.  It is a weekend that is traditionally spent with family and friends and what Memorial Day Weekend would be complete without food and festivities?  If you are looking for healthy, summer recipes, here are a few suggestions from The Center for Diabetes Management at Hillcrest Medical Center.

Start the day off right with a Blueberry-Banana Smoothie, low on calories and big on taste.  For lunch, change up the hamburger and hot dog routine with these simple... Read More »

Lifestyle is one of the main building blocks for health.  What you do today can affect your health for years to come.  For that reason a recent report from the CDC is stirring up quite a bit of concern pertaining to teens’ health.  According to the CDC, the number of teens 12 – 19 years old who are diabetic or pre-diabetic has jumped from 9 percent (1999 – 2000) to 23 percent (2007 – 2008) in less than a decade.  What is more troubling, diabetes is one of the controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, meaning more teens of this generation are at an increased risk for heart... Read More »

When you commit to healthy eating, it means more than choosing fresh veggies over French fries. It's changing the way you eat, too.

Along with the American Diabetes Association, The Center for Diabetes Management at Hillcrest offers these guidelines for healthy eating:

·         Choose a variety of healthy foods, including lean meats, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and non-fat dairy products.

·         Limit portion sizes.

... Read More »

Facebook announced today members have the ability to share their organ donor status with Facebook's Timeline.  Hillcrest's Web Services team put together this video to show our Facebook fans how to do so if they would like to share that information.

For more information including registering to be an organ donor and why Facebook added this option, please visit here.