How to Fight the Spread of Germs
How to Fight the Spread of Germs
Submitted by ahs-admin on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 17:08According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, every state in the U.S. is experiencing a widespread flu outbreak and flu activity is likely to continue for several more weeks. As we navigate through this extremely harsh flu season, it’s important to know the most effective ways to fight against the spread of germs. While the best way to prevent the flu is by getting a yearly flu vaccine, there are additional precautions you can take to avoid the flu this year.
Wash your hands
It’s a common rule of hygiene, but it’s even more important during flu season. Wash your hands with soap and water as much as possible. When you don’t have access to soap and water, use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Stay home
Missing work or other important things can be hard, but if you get the flu it’s best to stay home. Going out when you are sick puts others at risk of contracting the germs, and could delay your recovery process. Stay home and rest as much as possible.
Disinfect your surroundings
Cleaning might not be the first thing you want to do when you aren’t feeling well, but you will be glad you did. Disinfect all of the surfaces in your home (door knobs, countertops, handles, etc.) that you might have touched while you were ill. Try to get rid of those germs as quickly as possible.
Limit contact with others
Just like staying home, limiting your contact with others can be difficult, especially if you live in a home with other people. If you do need to go out in public, wear a protective mask and wash your hands as soon as you return home.
Treat your body well
Implementing good general health practices can be of great benefit in the fight against germs. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, eating well, drinking a lot of water and staying physically active.
Do you feel you are coming down with either the flu or a bad cold? Symptoms can be reduced if you are treated within the first two days. Before your symptoms become too severe, visit a Utica Park Clinic provider. Call 918-579-DOCS (3627) or visit